This month we look at:
and also:
Keep people's eyes out of your data
We hear more and more frequently about laptops being lost. To keep going you are going to have to buy a new machine and restore all your files from your backup – you do have a backup, of course?
So you are up and running again. However, your old machine is still out there somewhere. And it may have data that you want to remain confidential.
You may have a logon password set, but that will keep someone out for about ten seconds. So we need to secure the data further.
The method that I like is Truecrypt, a freeware system that creates an encrypted file on your hard drive. You use Truecrypt to 'mount' it , when you use it as another drive on your computer. When you finish, you unmount it and it is locked.
It even has a way that you can create a Truecrypt volume inside a Truecrypt volume so that you can deny that it even exists.
Is it secure? Well it is reported that the FBI gave up after 24 hours. Probably enough for you and me.
So whatever you do, don't forget the password!
Are your passwords as secure as you think?
So you've got a password? Great! Easy to remember? Hmmm. The problem with passwords is that they need to be secure but also ones that you can remember. Dilemma. But surely no-one can guess your passwor?. These are the 12 most common passwords:
first name
pet's name
Any of them seen familiar? These are the first ones that anyone will try. If these don't work, then they will launch a dictionary attack. A piece of software just tries thousands of words to see if one of them works. Clever ones reverse words, vary cAPitaLiSaTIOn, add numbers and so on. If this doesn't work, then a brute-force attack is tried that just throws combinations of characters against the password request. Both approaches can try 1 million passwords a second.
Password security depends on both password length and character variability. To create a more secure password:
make it at least 7 characters long, combination between small and capital letters, at least one number and special character like !@#$%^*()_+
do not simply use a dictionary word or a logical sequence of characters like aaa555ccc, 1234567890 etc.
try not to use a password you have already used on another system, or have a number of groups of passwords
Consider adding special characters like !@#$%^&*()_+ anywhere
the use of at even one capital letter would increase the work of the cracker even more
replace certain characters with numbers that you associate with them, security would be s3cur1ty where e stands for 3 and i stands for 1
separate each letter with a random number, security would be s1c3u2r4i6t5y
Cloud computing
Having all your data stored on the internet is getting more and more of a hot topic, with both Google and Microsoft pushing this approach. Should you do it?
On the plus side are:
access from any computer;
a bit more security for your data;
no need to run expensive servers and things in your office.
but against it are:
You are a small fish;
most T&Cs don't give any guarantees about the security of your data or uptime;
you need internet access to get at it;
where is it stored? In a database with everyone else's data? On a computer in LA?
I think there is something to be said for access via the web. Just not at any price.
What you need is:
a supplier who cares about you so that problems get sorted;
knowing that others aren't getting at your data by having your own space;
knowing where your data is held so that you aren't breaking any laws.
Robust technology exists now to let you have all the benefits of 'anywhere' computing without the drawbacks of the big providers.
So if you are thinking about going 'cloud', check out having your own private 'cloud'.
Fancy one of those nice gizmos that more and more people seem to have – those tablet things?
Why not, they look great and can be a useful device. So what should you look out for?
The iPad 2 is still at the top of the tree, but other tablets are catching up fast. Yet more cut corners.
Battery life is the key concern – to make your tablet useful, you really need 8-10 hours of use. That will get you through the day.
Then screen size is a factor. A 7-inch screen isn't really much bigger that a smartphone, so I'd go for 10 inches. And while we are at it, 'multi-touch' is a great feature – that's what lets you zoom in and stuff.
If you are getting an Android device, only Android 3 is designed to work with tablets. 2.3 is a compromise but lots of the cheapest tablets only have 1.6 which is ancient.
And finally, do you like it? Is it attractive, how heavy is it?
People that I'm working with
I've had some great experiences with Robert Ginsburg, who is a mind and body healer. Some of the things that he has done are fantastic. If you have a problem that is bafflling your doctor, get in touch with him. Sounds wierd but it really works.
I've also met Keith Hagar, a fitness trainer who has a proper full English breakfast but still gets to be fit. Don't have to be miserable to be fit, Keith must know something!
Franchise partner opportunities
We've released the next five territories for franchise partners to join the fleet using our proven business model to build a successful business.
The flying doctor is looking for enthusiastic individuals who enjoy working with computers. You can help them run their own business and turn their passion into profit!
Think of the people you know who would like this opportunity then get them to:
call the flying doctor on 01865 748197
visit the website
to start on their success.